In line with the International Conference on Financial Criminology (ICFC) 2022, the Accounting Research Institute (ARI) cordially invites ARI postgraduate students to participate in our Intellectual Discourse. The programme aims to provide a platform for postgraduates who are embarking on their thesis and research projects to present their research progress and findings. By participating in this programme, the postgraduates will gain new knowledge from other participants and enhance their research skills. The intellectual discourse will also help identify areas for further instruction and support, hence coordinating and integrating instructional interventions to help students achieve their academic goals. It is an opportunity for ARI to get a snapshot of the student's current level of understanding and to offer guidance that will help them move forward in making satisfactory progress.
Abstract & Power Point Slide Submission
To participate in the programme, students only need to submit an abstract and the PowerPoint presentation slides via the specified link by the stated due date.
- The abstract should contain a concise summary of your study, including the research problems and the objectives, a description of the methodology employed, and the study's implications. It should be written in a single line paragraph with 12-point Times New Roman and must not exceed one page (less than 300 words). Do not include any references, figures, or tables in the abstract.
- Participants are given 15 minutes for their presentation, followed by 15 minutes for a Q & A session.
- The PowerPoint slide should include problem statements, research objectives and questions, theoretical and conceptual frameworks, current research progress and achievement, and a research timeline in a Gantt chart.
- The size of the PPT file must be smaller than 100MB.
Important Dateline