
APMAA 2025 employs the Conference Management Toolkit (CMT) that Microsoft Corporation provides to manage submitted papers.

If you are new to CMT, please create your account by registering your ID (Email) and Password in the CMT system (Conference Management Toolkit - Create New Account) before submitting your paper. If you have a CMT account, there is no need to make a new account. You can log in to CMT with this account using the Conference Management Toolkit (Conference Management Toolkit - Login).

Please click "Create new submission" in your Author console and select "Academic Paper Sessions

MS-CMT Structure of the "APMAA2025" Conference Management Toolkit - Author Console (

(Track 1) Academic Paper Sessions → Primary subject areas (14) → Secondary subject areas

(Track 2) Doctoral Colloquium Paper Sessions (for Research Papers)

(Track 3) Other (Speakers for Plenary sessions, Forum, and Doctoral-seminar)

(Track 4) Organizer's Practice (Solely for the use of the Organizer)


Edit the "Create New Submission" page and submit your manuscript. Please select an appropriate subject area by clicking a primary subject area button for an Academic Paper Sessions paper. We recommend you click a secondary subject area button when you find an additional relevant area.  Please ensure your submission meets the conference's guidelines for accepting scholarly papers. Also, ensure that your manuscript aligns with the Review Questions provided at the end of this document during its development and before submission to CMT.
We will open the submission site on May 1, 2025. The Paper Submission Deadline is July 15, 2025.


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