Call for Papers

Doctoral Colloquium Sessions (for Later-Stage Doctoral Students)

The 2025 Doctoral Colloquium, held alongside the APMAA 2025 Conference, offers a unique platform for advanced doctoral students. It provides an opportunity to gain feedback from external mentors, engage in peer interaction, exchange ideas, and cultivate formal and informal collaborations across diverse research groups.

We invite doctoral students and candidates to submit "completed papers" for the 2025 Doctoral Colloquium. We particularly welcome applications from later-stage doctoral students, those who have progressed beyond the research proposal stage and have at least one working paper. Successful applicants must present a completed full paper, following the typical format of research papers in accounting or related fields, where conventions may vary.

The submitted paper is anticipated to encompass the following key elements:

  1. A comprehensive review of pertinent literature within the doctoral work's purview, establishing a distinctive positioning for the submitted paper within the field.

  2. Clear articulation of the primary conceptual framework or hypothesis underpinning the paper, highlighting its originality.

  3. Precise elucidation of the problem domain and a focused exploration of the specific problem addressed in the research.

  4. A detailed description of the methodological approach employed to investigate and resolve the identified problem.

  5. Identification and thorough discussion of the expected contributions that the paper is poised to make to the existing body of knowledge in the field.

  6. An in-depth account of the research activities undertaken, accentuating key findings and insights from the conducted investigations.

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